
Lunch Menus Our Community

There is a wide selection of meals to suit all the learners. We offer a low sugar, salt and fat meal option alongside our other main meal options, soups, sandwiches, and salads. We would encourage parents and carers to discuss lunch options with their children and prompt them to try something new at lunchtimes. A sample menu is available to view here. All weekly menus, alongside dietary information, are available to view on the Parent Portal under School Information.

Please note:  our menus are currently subject to change at short notice, as a result of the widespread UK food supply issues.  Our Catering Manager is however exploring alternative suppliers, to ensure that we are able to continue offering a varied menu choices for all learners.

All pupils should continue to come to school with an adequate supply of water as waterspouts cannot currently be used to refill water bottles.  Waterspouts can however, now be be used to fill disposable cups in the Dining Hall during lunch time.

If you have any comments, suggestions, questions or would like to discuss your child's dietary requirements, please email our Catering Manager or call 01698 282700.

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