
Changes to Christmas Activities Hamilton

Changes to Christmas Activities
News Whole School

Dear Parents

I find myself in a position where we have a number of COVID cases within the staff and learner community.  You will also be aware that the Omicron variant exists locally.  With this in mind I have made the difficult decision to change the arrangements to our end of term celebrations as follows:

  • The J1 – J4 Nativity and Christmas Concerts will go ahead, without audiences, in school.
  • The Nursery Nativity will go ahead outdoors, at the school with a limit of 2 tickets per family.
  • Our Service of Lessons and Carols at Bothwell Parish Church on Monday 20 December is cancelled.  Much of this important content will be incorporated into our end of term Whole School assembly.
  • Internal Christmas parties for learners will go ahead as planned, in school.

This is clearly a very disappointing decision for everyone in the Hamilton College family, as I am sure that everyone was very much looking forward to attending these events.

As you can imagine, this decision has not been taken lightly. As the Head I must take steps to ensure the safety of all staff, learners, their families and the local community. I also wish to give everyone within our school community the best possible chance of having a safe and healthy Christmas, without the need to self-isolate. When we organised these events, the school recorded zero positive cases of COVID and the Omicron variant was non-existent. 

I know that learners and staff have worked very hard to put together their performances and in order to showcase this, I am working with my IT and Marketing Teams to produce a high quality recorded version for everyone to watch as soon as possible. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff involved in these events.  The Nursery and Junior School staff for their work with the Nativities and Graeme Scott and Julie Murray for their work putting together the Christmas Concert and Service of Lessons and Carols. I know how disappointed they are in delaying our first live performance since 2019.  Mr Scott has worked tirelessly since joining us and once it is safe to do so, I have no doubt that his efforts will be rewarded with an appreciative, live audience. 

I understand the disappointment that comes with this decision and I will look forward to sharing these performances with you when they are available to view online. 

Kind regards

Mr Richard A Charman
Hamilton College


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Changes to Christmas Activities