
Online Christmas Fete Our Community

Welcome to the Hamilton College Online Christmas Fete. We hope you have fun as you navigate your way through a very different looking fete this year.

Online Stalls - Over 40 local businesses have a wide range of products and services that would make perfect Christmas presents. It has been a tough year for all, so please spend time looking through all the businesses and click through to see their products and offers.

Santa Video Message - If you pre-ordered a message from Santa, you will be receiving an email at 11am. However, if you did not manage to make an order, you can view a special message from Santa to all the Hamilton College pupils.

Christmas Quiz - Gather the family round the TV or other device to play along with our Christmas Quiz on YouTube. Can you get all 30 questions correct?

Christmas Image Competition - Have a look through our gallery of "What Christmas Means to Me", created by the pupils in our Junior School. You can vote on Facebook for your favourite by giving the image a 'like'

Musical Performances - Sit back, relax and enjoy some festive performances from some of our talented performers in our Nursery, Junior and Senior School.