
Restructure of the Senior Leadership Team Hamilton

Restructure of the Senior Leadership Team
News Whole School

Dear Parents, Guardians and Staff
The Board is delighted to announce that following a restructure of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) at Hamilton College, the following positions have been agreed - 
Head of Junior School & Nursery – Mrs Jenny Paterson
Head of Middle School – Mr Stuart Ross
Head of Upper School   - Mrs Heather Stark
Director of Education for Whole School – Mrs Heather Stark (Interim role)
Chief Executive Officer – Mrs Katie Morton (Interim role)
This is an extremely strong team of academic and non-academic professionals with a diverse mix of experiences and skills who ,working together, are in an excellent position to lead the school on its forward journey in providing excellence in education.
This restructure is only one piece of the jigsaw in our refreshed Hamilton College organisation.
You will be hearing early next week the results of our Vision & Purpose project which are now the guide to the school’s direction and the driver of further progression and development.  In line with these comes a new website, parent app and promotional material highlighting what we stand for as a school and what we seek to achieve for each of our pupils.
The School Improvement Plan for 2020/21 incorporates specific key areas that we are already working on to ensure that as an organisation we continually take steps towards that Vision while ensuring that the overall outcome is continued excellence in education.  Flowing from this are individual projects and innovations that our pupils will begin to see the benefit of as regards classroom activities as well as improved school environment.
Each member of the SLT has been given specific objectives around developing the business of the school with Mrs Paterson focussing on the growth of the Nursery and the transition from early year’s education into Junior School and Mr Ross reviewing the middle school structure and how the later stages of primary education can benefit from improved integration with the Senior School.  Mrs Stark has a specific remit around whole-school academic attainment and staff development and Mrs Morton’s objectives will remain around financial stability, roll growth and the strategic direction of the business.
Each part of the Team will bring their own strength and ambitions for the school and the Board is very much looking forward to working with them in the next chapter at Hamilton College.
Kind regards
Colin McMurray
Board of Governors

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