
COVID safety rules reminder Hamilton

COVID safety rules reminder
News Covid

Dear Parents

I do hope that you have managed to take a break across the half-term holidays. 

With the increased COVID infection rate locally, we need to be extra vigilant and the school will be taking action where COVID safety rules are not complied with.  Compliance with regulations is essential to protect those who are most vulnerable and also to ensure that we limit any possible disruption to the education provided at Hamilton College.  Flouting of our safety rules may not just affect the individual but also the wider school community. With this in mind, as we look ahead to Monday and the return of pupils to school, I would like to remind everyone of the following matters. 

Quarantine / Self Isolation

Families within the school must comply with up to date Government regulations with regard to pupils attending school.

These regulations are in place not only to protect those directly affected, but also the most vulnerable. 

We are working extremely hard every day to ensure that the school operations and the environment we create minimises the risk of the virus spreading within our school community.  However, we are relying on parental co-operation to ensure that individual pupils comply with those regulations that apply to them directly.

Where pupils cannot return to school, please inform their form/class teacher to allow for teaching to continue remotely.

Masks and Face Coverings

The use of face coverings in the Senior School and on School transport is mandatory (subject to specific exclusions).  Pupils who do not comply will be issued with punishment exercises.  Where pupils are continually forgetting to bring masks to school, we will now be charging parents for replacement masks as per our previous communication.  With this in mind please ensure that the pupils come to school with at least one spare mask / face covering.


Although we have relaxed the rules as regards uniform to allow for ease of cleaning, we continue to expect high standards of appearance.

Any alternative clothing must be appropriate to a school environment and should be in navy blue or black or be part of the PE kit.

Crop tops, heavily embellished garments or other colours are not appropriate.  Please also bear in mind general school rules as regards hair, make-up and nails.   Parents will be notified where the relaxed rules are being abused.

Bus Transport

Pupils must wear masks on school transport (unless there is a medical reason for non-use). Pupils must sit in their designated seat to allow for Track & Trace protocols.  Pupils must always wear seat belts.  Where these rules are being ignored we will be required to exclude the pupil from the use of the bus.  This is to protect the other users and the drivers.

Social Distancing

Parents must continue to comply with social distancing rules while within the school property.  This includes the car-park and drop-off/pick-up points.  We are continuing to limit in-school meetings.  However, please do contact the relevant member of staff where contact is required to allow for telephone / online meetings to be put in place.  Parents will be notified directly of new procedures as regards parents’ meetings for this term.

We need to work as a whole school community to protect our pupils, their families and our staff and to ensure that we minimise any possible disruption to the continued education of our young people.  I therefore thank you in your advance for your continued support and co-operation. 

Kind regards

Katie Morton
Chief Executive Officer
Hamilton College

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COVID safety rules reminder