
Return to school update - July Hamilton

Return to school update - July
News Whole School

Dear Parents

We do hope that you are enjoying the Summer break.

As we head towards the start of Session 2020/21 we will be issuing a number of important updates to parents through e-mail.

COVID Planning
We will be distributing our COVID Planning, Risk Assessment and Policy to all parents prior to pupils’ return which will take account of the updated Government Guidelines. This will include information on our Track & Trace system.  We would highlight at this point that as part of this Track & Trace system, any quarantine requirements must be adhered to where families have travelled out-with the UK across the summer break.  Please also bear this in mind in planning holidays for the year ahead. 

Return to school information
We still await updated Government Guidelines as regards the impact of COVID policies on a return to school.  As far as we are aware this will be distributed to schools at the end of this week.  We should therefore be in a position to provide full up-to-date details during the w/c 3rd August.

We are also preparing a video of “what to expect” aimed at our pupils which should assist with their transition back to the physical school building.  I would encourage the pupils to look at this before their return on Thursday 13th August.

For clarity, to enhance the safety of all, regardless of changes to Government Guidelines, the amended school uniform policy will remain in place on our return and school lunches will be a pre-ordered, packed lunch and snack provision.  Information as regards ordering of lunches will follow in due course. 

New start information
For many pupils Thursday 13th August will be their first full day as a pupil at Hamilton College. For those who will be joining the Hamilton College Family on that day or for those who are moving from Nursery to Junior School, or from Junior School to Senior School there will be specific information issued as regards first-day arrangements. This will be quite different from previous years so please pay particular attention to this communication.

School Bus Transport
Many thanks to everyone who responded to the questionnaire as regards the on-going use of school transport.  We have been working with Park’s to ensure that this service operates as close to normal as possible.  Again, once we have final Government guidance we will issue updated information. 

Vision & Purpose
Our refreshed Hamilton College Vision & Purpose is the result of the work undertaken by our Senior Leadership Team, working closely with pupils, parents, staff, Governors and former pupils.  It is vital that our Hamilton College Family Community is involved in how we shape our future and in the development of both the teaching and learning that is provided and the educational environment that is created.  Many thanks to everyone who took the time to share their views, experiences and expectations as a part of this initiative.  The results will be shared with parents and pupils prior to the return to school.

The refreshed Vision & Purpose will impact in all areas within the School including our marketing and promotional material.  The new School website reflecting this will be launched during the first week of term.  This will be supported by a Hamilton College Parent App which will allow parents direct access to school information, communications, events information, calendar and the like. This App can be tailored to year group and areas of interest so parents can access up-to-date and relevant information.  The App will also allow access to an on-line payment portal for trips and other day-to-day payments which will allow the school to move towards a wholly cash-less system of operation.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming our pupils back to school and once the anticipated Government Guidelines are received and incorporated into our planning we can commence issuing the relevant and necessary information to our families. In the meantime, if you have any queries please contact [email protected]

Many thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards

Senior Leadership Team

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Return to school update - July