
Return to School Update - 3 August 2020 Hamilton

Return to School Update - 3 August 2020
News Whole School

Dear Parents and Guardians 

COVID-19 Update 

Following Thursday’s updated Government Guidelines, we are writing to update all of our parents on how the school will operate on our return on 13 August 2020.  This builds upon previous correspondence and in particular our email of 6 June.

Communications on specifics for year groups and stages will follow, including timetables for Senior School pupils. We will also be sending you links to videos next week to allow pupils can see the changes we have made to the school, to ensure that they are as comfortable with their return as possible.   

All update information is available on the COVID-19 page on the school website.  If you have missed any communications or wish to refresh yourself of changes, please use this page as a library of relevant information.  Ongoing, this is also where the COVID-19 Working Group will be posting our risk assessments and planning guides to allow parents to review the measures that the school has taken and will be taking during the Phased Return (the period until all COVID-19 restrictions are lifted). These will be available towards the end of this week. 

The Health & Safety of our pupils and staff remain the top priority and risk assessments will be continuing once school returns to ensure that this is maintained.  Government Guidelines will be followed as a minimum at all times with changes being made as advice develops.  

At the moment, we have the following specific COVID-19 updates: 

Return Date – August 2020
All pupils return to school on 13 August.  A full timetable will apply for all children each day.  Specific information around timetable will be communicated later this week.  

Please note the slight alteration to the school day to allow for staggered entry and exit:  

J1-J4 : 0845-1500 

J5-J7 : 0900-1515 

S1-S6 : 0900-1530 

Please note that the teaching hours within the school day will not be reduced. 

As regards the return date in August, this is to allow the pupils some additional time in school during Term 1 to familiarise themselves with their new environment and routine, and the updated procedures within the school. 

From S2 to S6, the first two weeks of term will be focused on the consolidation of work that has been taught and completed remotely.  It is important that we assess how the pupils have coped academically during lock-down and that we fill any gaps in knowledge before we move ahead with the curriculum. 

There will also be a focus on the pupils’ mental well-being to ensure that they are adjusting to the new school environment. 15 minutes will be timetabled each school day in the Senior School to support pupils in this area. In the Junior School this will be addressed as a component of the day-to-day activities. 

Classrooms & Communal Spaces
Current Government Guidelines allow for no social distancing between pupils within the school environment.  Staff must continue to social distance between themselves and the pupils.  In the lower age groups (Nursery, J1 and J2) social distancing between staff and pupils is not required. 

We have assessed this Government relaxation and its impact as regards educational experience and the well-being of the pupils and staff.  On pupil return in August the following will therefore be in place:  

  • There will be no mixed group use of communal spaces by any pupils (common rooms, dining hall, etc.) 
  • A one-way system will be used throughout the school 
  • Social distancing will be applied throughout school (corridors, toilets, queues, etc.) 
  • Social distancing will apply in the classrooms in the Senior School (where there is a reported higher risk) with desks remaining at 2m apart.  However, there may be a slight relaxation (to 1.5m) in some science labs to allow for a better learning experience. 
  • In the Junior School, pupils will be encouraged to remain socially distanced where possible.  However, classrooms will not all have 2m spacing between desks.  This is to allow for whole class groups to be taught together and therefore improve the educational experience. 
  • For all stages, pupils will remain within their “bubbles” i.e classes will not be mixed, apart from in S5/6 due to the nature of classes. 
  • Where possible, teachers will move to the pupils, rather than pupils changing location.   This is to minimise travel throughout the school.  

The systems and processes that we are putting in place are for the health and safety of our pupils, their families and staff.  We will be strictly enforcing compliance and we expect all pupils and parents to comply with the expected behaviours and new procedures. 

The relaxations around school uniform remain to allow parents and carers the ability to wash school clothes daily. 

Please note that despite these relaxations we are expecting pupils to be smart and maintain our high standards of dress. There should be no team “colours” worn and garments should be plain.   

Lunches and Snacks
The school will be providing a packed lunch for all pupils. A weekly pre-order service is being created for pupils to choose their preferred options and confirm dietary requirements.  This will be e-mailed to parents this week.  

Wrapped fruit will be available in all classrooms throughout the day. 

Pupils can bring their own snack to school however all packaging must be disposable and “sharing” must be discouraged.  

Water will be provided in the classrooms and any bottled water brought to school should be clearly marked with the child’s name.  Empty water bottles will not be refilled at school but taken home to be washed and brought back the next day. The water fountains will not be in operation, but unlimited bottled water will be available in all classrooms. 

Bags, Equipment and Lockers
Lockers will not be used on our return. Pupils should be encouraged to bring to school only the items that they need and should not share pens, pencils etc. 

If parents are uncomfortable with pupils using the school ruck-sack, please use a suitable alternative in navy or black.   School bags are not required in the Junior School as all resources will remain in school.  Specific Junior School information will follow later this week. 

Before and After School Care and Wider-Curricular Clubs
Before and after school care will be provided as normal in both the Nursery, Junior and Senior Schools. For the moment, no Wider Curricular Clubs and Activities will take place.  The provision of these activities will be assessed as guidelines change and restrictions ease. 

For Junior School pupils, normal booking of Aftercare will apply.  The on-line booking form will be e-mailed this week.  Please only book Aftercare on a “needs must” basis.  We are limited in numbers and cannot guarantee our usual provision for ad hoc spaces. Aftercare will be available until 1800. 

For Senior School pupils, after-care will be in the form of a homework club to be located in the Assembly Hall which will be set-up to comply with social distancing.  This will operate until 1700 each day.  Senior pupils should leave the building at the end of this session.  If a late pick-up is anticipated, this must be communicated as soon as is possible and in advance to our Administration Manager Mrs Marshall by email ([email protected]).  

Pupil Drop-off and Pick-up
Strict compliance with drop-off and pick-up procedures will be required. We encourage parents where possible not to drop pupils at school before 8.30am due to limitations on the ability for pupils to socialize.  There should be no socialising within the school car-park,  please treat this as a drop-off and pick-up zone only.  

For J1-4 we would encourage the slot between 0830 and 0845 and for J5-J7 between 0845 and 0900. 

Individual year groups will be notified of which entrance they should use to the school each day in the year/stage specific communications later this week. 

Pathways to and from the school have been marked to allow for social distancing with entry via the stairs from the car-park and exit using the pathway up to the car-park barrier.  Staff will be available to direct and assist.  Please comply with this system. 

No parents should enter the school building unless this is absolutely essential or expressly requested.  

Only parents of J1-J3 are permitted to accompany their children to the bottom of the stairs near the school building in the mornings.  Staff will be available to assist.  All other pupils should be dropped-off in the car park. Junior School pupils will be accompanied up to the car park at the end of day by staff.  

For Nursery parents, the lower staff car-park will be available for pick-up and drop-off if required.  Please buzz for entry at the barrier.  Entry to the Nursery will be via its new entrance as communicated directly.  Please note that for pupil safety there will be no movement of vehicles between 1500 and 1545 in the lower car-parks and so please plan pick-up times and park accordingly. 

There is no recommendation for masks to be worn within a school environment.  It is for individual families to decide if they wish their children to wear masks to school.  If this is your wish, the child must bring their own masks to school and all used masks must be taken home at the end of the day.  Masks cannot be disposed of within the school so please provide a plastic bag for a safe return of used masks. 

School Transport
Our bus operator, Park’s of Hamilton, will be operating a full service.  There will be a direct communication to parents who use this service in the next few days. 

Daily Assessment - Track & Trace
In order for the school to complete a daily Risk Assessment during the Phased Return stage, we will be asking all parents and staff to notify us of any personal changes under the “track and trace” initiative.  We will be communicating separately on how this will operate prior to pupil return.   However, we would highlight at this stage that full disclosure under this system must be made to ensure the continued Health and Safety of our pupils, their families and our staff. 

There is no recommendation to use daily temperature checks in schools – we will monitor this as guidance is developed. We have planned for our return to school to be safe, effective and calm.  We want to ensure that all our pupils and parents feel informed and confident in our plans and our reasoning behind the plans. Please, do get in touch with any questions that you may have by email to [email protected].

In the meantime, we hope that all of our children and young people are enjoying the last few days of their holiday and are looking forward to seeing their friends on their return to Hamilton College. 

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs Katie Morton
Chief Operating Officer 

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