
Covid Advice - Generic Hamilton

Covid Advice - Generic
News Covid

COVID-19 Guidance

I am aware that people are having difficulty accessing up to date information as regards process to follow if family members display symptoms of COVID-19.

I therefore attach some LINKS that you may find useful –

The process to be followed where people have contacted NHS / COVID Testing varies depending on specific, local information at that time as well as the individual family situation.  This is why it is very important to follow the process as outlined in the links.

The overall generic Government advice around social distancing and meeting other families including specific messaging as regards young people can be found here -

It should be borne in mind that this guidance is in place to protect the most vulnerable in our communities and to avoid further country wide or local lock-downs which for economic as well as educational reasons we are all being asked to comply with.

I would remind parents that all adults are expected to comply with 2m social distancing while on school property including the car-park area.

I do hope that you find this useful and ask for your understanding and co-operation to maintain the continued safety of our Hamilton College Community.

Kind regards

Katie Morton
Chief Executive Officer
Hamilton College

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Covid Advice - Generic