
Hamilton College - COVID Adjustments Hamilton

Hamilton College - COVID Adjustments
News Covid

Dear Parents,

We refer to our communication of 3rd September providing the output of the parental and staff feedback on the proposed COVID protocol relaxations.

Since that time, there have been changes in the country-wide and local situation, as well as refreshed Government Guidance.  We have also taken on board advice of medics from within the parental group and discussed our approach from an educational perspective with HMIE.

With this background, we will be making the following alterations to our current procedures –

No changes except lunches – see below.

Junior School
No changes except lunches and uniform – see below.

Senior School
From Tuesday 29th September we will be moving to non-socially distanced classrooms (using larger spaces where this is appropriate).  This move is being made to improve the educational experience for our young people and so that specific subjects receive their normal weekly teaching allocation.   This COVID (V2) timetable will be in the format of 8 x 40 minute periods each day.  This means pupils that there will be greater pupil movement within the building.

Senior 1 will remain static and in their current situation at this time. This will be reviewed in October. However, their timetable will be altered as above.

General School Arrangements
Year group bubbles will be maintained.  The use of the one-way system, masks in communal areas for Senior School pupils and staff and strict use of hand hygiene practices will be enforced.  The current entry system and use of specific doors for year groups will be maintained.

Staggered exit times will also remain.  In the Senior School, S1-2 will exit at 3.30pm, S5-6 will exit at 3.35pm with S3-4 exiting at 3.40pm.

Additional cleaning and staff social-distancing will remain.

We will be returning to hot lunches served and eaten in the dining hall.  Year group bubbles will be maintained and there will be staggered year-group timings.  To allow for quick service, the choices will be limited as previously advised.  However, the full selection of sandwiches, wraps, pasta salads, etc. will be available.   For hungrier pupils, these can be used to supplement the hot meal if required.  No pre-ordering will be needed.

The Nursery children will be served a hot or cold lunch in the Nursery to preserve their Nursery bubble.

Menus will be available from the Lunch page on the school website or from the Info section on our School App from the September break.

SQA Update
We still await the updated SQA information (content, structure, contingencies and dates) for the 2020/21 exam diet but will update parents as soon as this is received.

Senior School Study Sessions
Given the proposed relaxation as regards social distancing, study clubs will commence after the October break. There will be direct communication from teachers in this respect.  These may be across lunch breaks, after school or remotely via Teams.

Sports Clubs and Teams
Mr. Forrest will be in touch directly as regards Wider Curricular Activities for Junior & Senior School. Indoor, energetic PE (that would produce sweat / increased breathing rate) is still not permitted within a school setting.

Based on medical advice, we are maintaining the flexibility around uniform.  As previously advised, pupils can return to school uniform after the September weekend except on days where they have PE, when PE kit should be worn to school (under school guidelines changing rooms cannot be used).  However, if parents would prefer the ability to wash items daily, we will accept the continued use of PE kit and plain navy/black items. Junior School pupils should wear long hair tied back at all times. Senior School pupils should wear long hair tied up for science and PE at all times. We would however, re-iterate that these items should be suitable for a school setting and continue to demonstrate the high standards expected at Hamilton College.  Pupils must adhere to rules regarding minimum make-up, no nail varnish, no jewellery and hair to be kept neat and tidy.

These changes should allow a return for a more normal routine for all our young people, especially in the senior school while maintaining necessary precautions around health and safety. 

We had an update meeting last week with HMIE as regards our academic provision post lock-down as well as our plans around educational recovery for those young people who have struggled with lock-down and a return to the school environment. Our inspector was complimentary of everything we have put in place and as a Team we thank both our staff and our parents for their understanding and support throughout this period and the flexibility and adaptability to ever-changing requirements.

Our link inspector was also pleased to see we had 3 models of education: remote learning, 2m social distancing model in Senior School and the new model which we will move to. The flexibility to move between models was noted and parents should also be aware that we will go back to these models should this be the government advice as we move through this pandemic.  This will allow us to continue to provide the excellence in education expected at Hamilton College.

Please let us know if you have any questions or comments on these COVID V2 arrangements or any general queries.  As always we will be assessing the impact of these alterations and if we feel they are not effective or impactful will be adjusting as necessary.

Kind regards

Senior Leadership Team


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Hamilton College - COVID Adjustments