
Physical Education and Sport – Covid-19 Updates Hamilton

Physical Education and Sport – Covid-19 Updates
News Covid

Dear Parent,

We would like to share information with you regarding Physical Education and wider-curricular sports clubs at Hamilton College.  Covid 19 has had a significant impact on what we can provide our young people in relation to Physical Education and Sport.  Since coming back in August, Government guidelines have altered our PE offerings. Here is an overview of where we currently stand and what we are planning for the future.

Indoor Physical Education and PE clothing

As there is an increased risk of transmission of Covid-19 during activities within physical education because of the respiratory aerosols which are exhaled, along with the close proximity of participants, school are currently not doing indoor PE or indoor wider curricular sports clubs. This is expected to change from 5th October at the earliest, although this date might well be extended.  This means we will be offering outdoor PE and clubs as much as we can.  With this in mind we are asking that our young people arrive to PE in suitable Hamilton College PE clothing.  Warm and waterproof clothing should be worn.  Waterproof jackets are compulsory uniform for Junior School and are now available for Senior School pupils.  The full list of Hamilton College PE kit is available at the link below.

Due to the restrictions, we have been looking to introduce alternative activities into the curriculum, such as cross country walking.  We are fortunate to have large grounds to use with our classes, both within Hamilton College and also down the Furlongs close to the School.  No main roads will be crossed during these walks and as part of our usual procedures, a risk assessment will be carried out.  It is recommended that wellington boots or old trainers as well as warm and waterproof PE kit will be worn by pupils that are walking.  We will inform pupils the week before the cross country walking block starts so they can come prepared.

If the weather is exceptionally poor then classes will be kept inside where a health related activity (not exercise) will be provided in a classroom as an alternative.

National 5 and Higher Physical Education

We are still awaiting updates from the SQA with regards to what changes (if any) will be made to the assessment criteria for N5 and Higher PE this year.  Like all other Schools, we are particularly concerned about the practical component of the course which counts for 50% of the overall grade.  If parents are comfortable that their child is able to train and compete for community clubs and teams where Covid-19 guidelines have been eased more than Schools then we encourage them to do this.

Wider Curricular Activities

When we reintroduce the wider curricular sports clubs, we will be following government guidelines at all times in regards to numbers and health and safety. Our provisional dates for beginning these clubs are as follows:

  • J1-3 – Term 2
  • J4-7 – Week commencing 26th October
  • S1-S6 – Week commencing 29th September

Year group bubbles are kept from the moment pupils enter the school building in the morning to when they leave in the afternoon.  This includes when they are participating in after school clubs.  As you will be aware, our whole school policy on year group bubbles is a decision the school has made to prevent the potential spreading of Covid-19 and keep everyone at Hamilton College as safe as possible.

This will sometimes restrict what we can offer for sports clubs, especially team games.  However, as always, we will do everything we can to offer purposeful and enjoyable sessions within these guidelines.

Sports fixtures

Unfortunately, it does not look as though fixtures against other schools will be happening for the foreseeable future.  We are constantly monitoring national and local updates on Covid-19 and any future decisions regarding fixtures will be based around these.   We will keep you informed of any updates and hope to have more positive news sooner rather than later.

We do hope that as many of our young people can support our after school sports clubs so that they can compete in team sports in their year group bubbles.

Thank you for your continued co-operation and support,


Mr Forrest – Head of PE

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Physical Education and Sport – Covid-19 Updates