
Tier 4 Restrictions Hamilton

Tier 4 Restrictions
News Covid

Dear Parents

As you will be aware South Lanarkshire moves into Tier 4 COVID restrictions as from Friday evening.
The implications for the school are as follows – 
1.         The use of masks in a classroom setting by ALL senior pupils is being encouraged, other schools and Local Authorities have made this move resulting in an increase in attendance. The wearing of masks in the classroom also reduces the number of pupils who may need to self-isolate where there is a positive case.  Although not mandatory, we would therefore ask that ALL senior pupils wear masks from Monday in the classroom – we would appreciate parental support in this.
2.         The mandatory requirement to wear masks in S4-6 and in all communal areas remains.
3.         All PE activities must be outside – please ensure your child comes to school on PE days with appropriate clothing including a waterproof jacket.  Remember that pupils are not permitted to use the changing facilities.
4.         Pupils studying Higher PE will receive a direct communication as regards practical elements of the course once this is received from the Government.
5.         Pupils on the shielding list should NOT attend school in person.  Parents should let Form / Class teachers know so that work can be set for home-schooling.  Pupils impacted will have been informed by their clinical team.
6.         Clubs, study sessions and sports activities out with school hours are to be paused. This means that there will be no after-school clubs and sessions from Monday.  The Junior School Aftercare system can and will still operate as normal.   In the Senior School, some sessions may be moved to lunch-times (if this can be arranged around split lunch-times) and pupils will be updated directly.
In Tier 4, there is no need for us to alter the current timetable and we will continue to maintain social distancing in the Senior School classroom settings as much as possible.  Lunches will continue to be served in the dining hall.

Please remind your children the importance of complying with the use of face masks and good hand hygiene to ensure that we continue to minimise the risk within the school setting.  Many thanks for working with us as regards the use of social distancing and the wearing of masks at school pick-up and drop-off.   The continued good practices of the whole school community are necessary as we work together to minimise the potential impact on the education of all the pupils within the school.
We very much appreciate your continued support and understanding
Kind regards

Senior Leadership Team
Hamilton College

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