
Phased Return to School - 19th April 2021 Hamilton

Phased Return to School - 19th April 2021
Whole School Covid

This letter was first published on 30th March 2021 - Any updates will be published below. You can read the whole letter by scrolling down or you can jump to a section. 

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Health & Safety  

Face Coverings

Social Distancing 



Bus Transport  

Times of School day

Car Park 

Return to School Forms

Lateral Flow testing 

Aftercare & Clubs 




Phased Return to School - 19th April 2021 

It has been fabulous seeing our school filled again with our incredible pupils and although some aspects of the school day have had to be adapted, life at Hamilton College feels relatively normal.

That “normal” is due to change again as from 19th April with Government Guidance allowing certain relaxations assuming positive cases of COVID-19 in our community continue to fall.  There will be a final Government confirmation on 6th April.  However, we felt it important that parents are aware of our plans before the Easter break.

This letter therefore sets out information as regards this post Easter period which assumes that these relaxations are permitted.  Should there be any further changes across the Easter break we will of course let you know of updated arrangements as soon as we hear.

Some of the information contained in this letter will be a repetition of previous communications but we feel it is useful to set out a complete picture of what the Summer term will look like from an operational perspective.

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In the Junior school, there will be no changes to the teaching and classroom activities, except all classes reverting to a 9am – 3:15pm day.

In the Senior School, all year groups will return for 5 days per week according to their pre-Christmas timetable as follows -

S1 - Remain on pre-Christmas timetable until the end of June.

S2 - Move to new timetable as per communication from Mr Ross (being sent 31st March) from 26th April to the end of June.

S3 - Remain on pre-Christmas timetable to the end of June.

S4, 5 and 6 – Assessment diet commences 26th April until 19th May.  Pupils can either choose to study at home and come into school for assessments or they can come into school and attend their normal class for additional study (no new material being taught).  From 20th May all pupils return to pre-Christmas timetable with any further assessments being carried out within class time.

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Health & Safety

The overall H&S (Health & Safety) measures remain in place throughout the school including one-way systems, hand sanitiser stations, all-day cleaning, staggered lunch and break times, additional ventilation and reduced movement around the school building.

Social distancing in the Senior School has been relaxed but face coverings must be worn by all Senior pupils (unless exemption in place) at all times.

Full access to our Health & Safety documentation (COVID Policy, Planning Guide and Risk Assessment) will be available in the COVID page of the school website following Government confirmations on 6th April.

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Face coverings

Face coverings must always be worn by all Senior pupils (unless medical exclusions apply) while within the building. Please ensure pupils come to school with additional face coverings in case of loss / breakage. Non-compliance in school will be dealt with as a disciplinary matter. 

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Social Distancing

The rules on social distancing are being relaxed for Senior School pupils, with no requirement to distance between pupils.  We will however, continue to maximise space within the building at all times. All Senior pupils must socially distance (at 2m) from staff members while in the school building. 

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As many families prefer the ability to wash garments daily, we are not requiring full uniform on our return. If you choose not to wear uniform, please as an alternative, use school PE Kit or black/ navy alternatives. In this period pupils should attend school in clothing that reflects the school ethos and our high standards. Crop-tops or heavily embellished garments and football colours are not acceptable.

As some lessons may take place outside, pupils should attend with suitable jackets and footwear. 

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The full service of school lunches will return for all pupils from 19th April. Pupils will have staggered lunch breaks with all year groups maintaining their bubbles in the dining hall.

All pupils should continue to come to school with an adequate supply of water as waterspouts cannot be used.

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Due to the relaxation of social distancing rules, School bus transport will return after the Easter break.  All pupils must keep to their previously assigned seats.  All pupils must wear face coverings while using school transport.

Parents who use bus transport have been communicated with directly as regards updated route information and requirements.

If you do not normally use bus transport but would like to do so, please contact - [email protected].

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Timings of School day

Junior School pupils will start lessons at 9am each day. Junior pupils should enter the building via the rear playground entrance. If pupils are late, they should enter through the main entrance. 


Senior lessons commence at 9am each day. Senior 2 pupils should enter through the main entrance. All other Senior pupils should enter via the side entrance. If pupils are late, they should enter through the main entrance. 

Where S5 and S6 arrive at school during the day, they should enter through the main entrance and use the QR Code to register. 

Junior Pupils will be exiting at 3.15pm each day. The pick-up procedures are as follows -  

J1 – side entrance 

J2 and J3 - at top of stairs in carpark 

J4 – at green gate 

J5 – J7 in carpark 

Senior Pupils will be released at the end of the day as follows -  

S1 & S2 – 3.30pm 

S3 & S4 – 3.40 pm 

S5 & S6 – 3.35pm 

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Car Parking

Although the bus transport is resuming, please continue to regard the carpark as a strict drop-off / pick-up zone. Only J1 – J4 parents should exit their cars to accompany or pick up pupils as noted above.  Where possible, parents should remain in their cars. If parents leave their cars, face coverings must be worn.  There should be no socialising in the car park. 

Where you have a child(ren) in both Junior and Senior school or use the bus, supervision remains in place for the Junior school pupils until the Senior School exit times as above. In this respect, if this applies to you and your arrangements have altered since Term 1, please contact [email protected]

The Junior pupils will be led to the carpark at the appropriate time by a member of staff. Please therefore, arrive at school for the time appropriate to the Senior pupil in the family. 

It has been noted that some parents are parking on the road / pavement just outside the school grounds.  This is extremely dangerous and will be highlighted to the police.

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Return to School Form


These were completed in March by all pupils and fresh forms are not needed at this stage. However, any changes in circumstances must be notified to the school. Where a pupil or a member of their household displays symptoms, where anyone in the household is awaiting a test result or has been told to self-isolate, the school must be informed, and the pupil must not return to school until formal timescales have been complied with. 

Please comply with all Government guidelines in this respect. 

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Lateral Flow Testing

Kits are now available in school for all S1-6 pupils. If these are required, please complete the consent form, print off and return school. Top-up kits are available from the school. Pupils should make the request directly to [email protected]

Where these tests are used, pupils must comply with instructions following a positive or void result. 

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Aftercare is available as normal in the Junior School.

Outdoor PE clubs will resume in the week commencing 26th April as follows -

  • J4-7   3:15pm - 4:30pm Hockey and Netball on Mondays
  • J4-7 – 3.15pm – 4.30pm Tennis on Thursdays
  • J4-7 – 3:15pm – 4.30pm Football on Thursdays
  • S1/2/3 - 3:45pm - 4:45pm Football on Tuesdays
  • S1/2/3 – 3.45pm – 4.45pm hockey/netball on Wednesdays
  • S1/2/3 – 3.45 -4.45pm Touch Rugby on Thursdays

Library Supervision for Senior Pupils is available during this phase until 5pm each day.

In the Junior and Senior Schools, no wider-curricular clubs will run in this period other than those provided through the PE Department. This will be reviewed in line with Government advice prior to a return following the Easter holiday break. 


These new procedures will be reviewed and where necessary amended, as we move through this next stage of our phased return. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.  Many thanks indeed for your continued support and understanding.   As stated above, we will notify parents as soon as possible if the proposed relaxations do not come to fruition.

Kind regards 

Yours sincerely 

Senior Leadership Team
Hamilton College

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Phased Return to School - 19th April 2021