
Schools/ELC Asymptomatic Testing Programme for J7 Hamilton

Schools/ELC Asymptomatic Testing Programme for J7
Covid Whole School

Dear Parent

I am writing to let you know that the Schools/ELC Asymptomatic Testing Programme is being extended to include J7 pupils going into S1. 

This programme has been put in place as part of the package of COVID-19 risk reduction mitigations in schools across Scotland. This letter gives you more information about how the programme will operate in Hamilton College. All schools in Scotland have been asked to facilitate this initiative.

I am also requesting that, as a parent/guardian of a J7 pupil in our school who is eligible for testing, you discuss the contents of this letter and the privacy notice with them in order for you and your child to decide whether you wish to participate in this Government led programme.

Why is our school participating in the programme?

Along with the other protective measures we are implementing to keep our school community safe, regular testing of staff and senior pupils will help to further reduce risks for staff and children and young people in our school.

It will do so by helping to identify asymptomatic individuals in school environments at the earliest possible opportunity, and asking them and their close contacts to self-isolate, thus minimising the likelihood of them passing on the virus.

Who can take part?

The regular testing is now open to all school staff and senior pupils who are regularly attending the school premises. The testing programme also includes school-aged childcare staff and early learning and childcare staff in settings that are attached to schools. References to ‘school staff’ within this letter include this wider group of childcare staff.

Does everyone have to take part?

Testing is voluntary. No-one who is otherwise permitted to come to school will be prevented from doing so just because they do not wish to participate. However, the Scottish Government is strongly encouraging all school staff and senior pupils who are attending school to participate wherever possible, in order to contribute to the wellbeing of our school community.

However, if staff or pupils are working or learning from home, they should not participate. This is because the programme is intended specifically to reduce risks in the school environment.

What will the testing involve?

Our school is being provided with a supply of Lateral Flow Device (LFD) test kits by the Scottish Government and the UK Department of Health and Social Care for use at home. We will give each participating staff member and senior phase pupils a supply of these test kits to take home, together with the ‘Instructions for Use’. Each staff member or senior pupils will be asked to sign for these in a log at the point of handover. Completion of this test kit log is a regulatory requirement.

Individuals who participate will then be asked to test regularly at home, twice a week (every three to four days, ideally in the morning before school) with top up kits available directly from the school premises.

The tests supplied do not require laboratory processing and can provide a quick result in around 30 minutes. Comprehensive guidance on conducting self-testing is contained in the ‘Instructions for Use’ leaflet which will be provided with the test kit. There is a useful video showing participants how to administer the test here.

Once the test has been conducted individuals must log the test result – whether positive, negative or void – online at Tests are free of charge.

NB: It is important to note that this regular testing is only for individuals without symptoms. Those with symptoms must continue to follow the usual guidance. They must self-isolate and book a PCR test at a test centre or via a home test kit at the earliest opportunity. People with symptoms must not rely on a negative LFD result to continue to attend school.

NB: A negative test result must not be taken as leave to relax or ignore physical distancing or other measures intended to reduce transmission – testing is an additional intervention that contributes to reducing risk.

What happens next?

  1. Please discuss the contents of this letter, the consent formannexationsFAQ'sIFU and privacy note with your child/children.
  2. If you wish your child to participate in testing and you are content for them to do so, please complete the consent form.
  3. Test kits will be available for pupils to pick up from the school until the end of term. If you wish test kits for your child, please return the consent form to [email protected] who will distribute this directly to the class.

Please note – Pupils in J7 are permitted to use these kits prior to the return to school on the 18th August 2021, hence the availability of tests from before Summer break. This means that pupils can begin testing at home prior to their return. Kits for ongoing testing will be available for pupils to pick up in school. Full details of how this system will operate will be available to pupils in due course.

We will continue to support and communicate with our staff, pupils and school communities as we implement this programme. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Katie Morton
Chief Executive Officer
Hamilton College

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